"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." - e. e. cummings


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Hello everyone!

What a great day...I am surprised I am still awake as it is about 4 a.m. eastern time right now; fortunately my body seems to have adjusted quickly to the time change. (I really hope that is the case after our first day in Australia). I'm going to keep this update short because I am planning to get up at 7 with the guys to watch the first world cup game (Mexico vs. South Africa), wash some clothes, and pack things up. Not sure what you all think but I feel like Mexico is going to dominate South Africa...that's just how I feel.

Anyways, we got in very late to LAX last night around 1:30 in the morning due to delays in DC, where we met up with Scott. Our flight was pretty rough. Crammed, hot, no food offered, one drink, one movie, 5 1/2 hours. Don't fly United...ok maybe that's just my opinion, but it wasn't fun. My old hallmate and friend Brandon Hagopian, braved the late night hours and picked us up from the airport to transport us about 40 miles south of LA to Laguna Hills, in the OC.

It really beautiful here. We haven't had a ton of sun today, but it is really great to feel the dry weather. We did get burned at the park today; we kicked around a soccer ball and played some catch. We got into an REI for some last minute gear and got to drive around southern Cali a bit. Really great.

However, the best part of the day, and both of the guys would agree with me on this, was spending time with the Hagopian family. What a real joy they were. I had such a great time conversing with and being around them. They have truly been amazing hosts, made us feel at home from the start. And the meal this evening was beyond great...it was truly incredible! Huge ribeye steaks! Just spending time with this family has brought a lot of joy into my heart, and has really got me excited for all the people we will meet and stay with on this trip. People we don't know, but who share the common bond of Christ. It is a beautiful picture of what it means to love one another.

Needless to say we are happy to be here tonight, and super psyched for tomorrow. We will start with the world cup, then the beach, then the airport. We fly out at 10:20 p.m. so if you need to contact any of us try before then, because once we are out there the phones are going off for good. We will be able to check email and Facebook, etc. periodically so if you need to contact us that is the way...and if you'd like to talk at some point send us your Skype info, and maybe we'll be able to connect with you.

My last day at the conference I met a man who told me that Sydney, Australia was the most incredible place he had ever been. Let's just say I'm pumped.

Resting in the Lord's providence for this trip, I now He'll meet our needs and satisfy our souls...and I can't wait to see how He does it.

-b garrison


acsd conference

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I have been in Pennsylvania since Sunday afternoon. I flew into Harrisburg from Flint, MI, by way of Cleveland on a pretty rough flight on a little propeller plane. Our Student Development team is here for the ACSD (Association for Christians in Student Development) conference. We are located at Messiah College just southwest of the capital, Harrisburg on the opposite side of the Susquehannah River. The conference technically started on Monday afternoon so we had Sunday to hang out a bit. I met up with Joel, who got in on Saturday and we went into downtown Harrisburg to check things out there. It is a pretty cool city, not that big, but decent amount of things going on. The walking bridge and river were probably the best attractions.

I've enjoyed my time here in Pennsylvania a little better than Michigan, it's just prettier here right now. The conference has been really enjoyable, challenging, and insightful. It's given me a lot of perspective to be with 600 other Student Affairs professionals from various Christian colleges and there is much for me to think about job-wise when I get back.

But anyways, about the trip...we are just a few days away. And in 24 hours we will be in California. We are flying into LA after midnight and are staying at my friends house in Laguna Hills until Friday morning. Once in LA we will have traveled 3510 miles thus far, and have yet to leave the country. Here is a look at my journey thus far: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108405834630430684838.000488415c2a3d1fc7813&ll=36.809285,-97.382812&spn=18.29193,43.286133&z=5

I am looking forward to being in California soon and meeting up with Scott...I think there I will finally feel the reality of it all sink in. I am feeling a little under the weather so if you think of it pray for me to feel better before all these flights; I have both 6-hour and 14-hour flights coming up soon...and I certainly don't want to be sick in Australia.

-b garrison



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I am currently in Fenton, Michigan, right now...about to hit the hay after a very long day and a pretty crazy week too. My friends Ryan and Katie Jo were married this evening and from 7:30 a.m. until 12:30 a.m. we have been at work in wedding like activities.  And now it is all gone. It just goes to show how quickly life flies by. A day anticipated by so many is now of the past.

It really was a beautiful wedding; one of the best I've been to. Everything looked so good and went so well. The worst part of the evening was that it rained quite a bit which gave the band some problems, even though we were under a tent. We had also scattered a couple hundred Mason jars around the surrounding field and trees with candles in them for some mood lighting once it got dark but the rain quickly washed those out. All in all though, it was a spectacular wedding, of which the bride and groom were apparently so happy, really enjoying themselves.

Tomorrow morning I fly out of Flint (just north by about 25 minutes) to Harrisburg, PA, and phase two of my journey will have commenced. I enjoyed my time in Michigan but am really looking forward to moving on with the summer, however, in complete realization that time will fly by so quickly and something that has been so anticipated will have already come and gone. Day by day soak in the moment.

I apologize that I don't have any pictures or sweet videos of the wedding. I forgot to bring my camera to the wedding. I will certainly get better at this...

 -b garrison