"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." - e. e. cummings


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the Charleston Trip

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So I really had a successful trip to Charleston and the surrounding area. While I was only there for a couple of days I was still able to do so much. the drive down was really pleasant as I drove some back roads through South Carolina to get down there...and I always love driving backgrounds. Like I said previously, I spent Sunday afternoon around downtown, just checking things out. It was a very old city, with much history going back to pre-American Revolution. Many of the houses in the city were early 18th century homes.

I spent a few hours around the College of Charleston campus. Working in higher education at the college level I really enjoy seeing other college campus' and getting a feel for college life. And it really was a pretty cool vibe, just being in the middle a downtown such as Charleston gave it a special feel. I was able to spend both nights with my friend Chris who now attends Charleston Southern after spending 4 years in the Marine Corps all over the world. That was really a blessing getting to reunite with him and spend some time with him if only for a short while.

Monday was jam packed. I drove out to Sullivan's Island early in the morning to check out Fort Moultrie,  a very historic place where African slaves were brought in from 1700-1775, America won its first full battle in the Revolutionary War, and the first submarine to sink an enemy warship occurred. Pretty cool. Then I took some time to sit on the beach and read through some of Ecclesiastes and the book of James, did some journaling...definitely a good start to the day.

From there it was off to Shem Creek, where I had heard of good, quiet kayaking, immersed in wildlife. I put in and took off around 10:30 and was able to paddle around for 4 miles. The area really was beautiful, and very quiet. There were tons of birds and big fish and fortunately no alligators.

After Shem Creek I drove out to Isle of Palms and just took a nap out on the sand. Read a bit. Just relaxed. It was such perfect weather and a fairly nice beach, not as beautiful as Sullivan's Island, a more untouched natural beach. From there I put in my kayak again, this time in the Intercoastal from the point of the Isle of Palms. It was a private boat ramp, but it was really the only one that I could find so I just went for it.

I got out on the water around 5 pm and went with the current to a small little tributary that led me through the tall grasses toward a little island. The path was very narrow at points, but so peaceful and calm. With the light breeze blowing through the grass and the sunset creating a golden reflection in the water I just had to sit and soak it all in for a while. It felt really good to be out there all alone, knowing you're the only human alive, just a spectator of nature doing its thing...whether or not I was there, creation would run its course of beauty. It doesn't do it for me, but because God has established it so. And in that time it became so clear to me that creation was crying out the spectacular glory of God. There is no other reason for such awe inspiring beauty, than to point to the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Beauty is funny like that. In something so simple, some water and some muddy, grassy reeds, there is beauty. Sure it is physically appealing and visually stimulating...it really is. But when we still our minds and see the complexity of creation, that every small ripple of water is fulfilling its purpose, that every blade of grass is moving to its Master's commands...that there is NOTHING, no bird, or fish, or blade of grass, or butterfly, or clump of mud, or body of water that is not under the mighty control of our sovereign Lord; then we see the real beauty of this complex world. And we were created to be drawn toward the One who holds all things firmly in his hand. It is not the beauty but the Author of the beauty we must be in awe of...awe that brings us to worship.

I was struck by this all evening as I was continually stunned by the beauty around me. I was able to just sit in the middle of the Intercoastal and watch the sun set behind islands in distance. The sun's red glow gave the water a stunning color and the sky was immaculate in it's red to blue color spectrum. I will not soon forget that moment. I felt so special to be a part of that, but yet so small in this world.

From there I strapped the kayak back on and drove south to Folly Beach, which is southeast of Charleston. I sat out on the boardwalk and cook up some chili on my stove while I watched the Rangers vs Yankees playoff game on my laptop (using internet from the nearby Holiday Inn). But afterward I had a great conversation with God. I just talked to Him. What struck me was the waves. There were so many and they were so constant in flowing to shore. And again I was reminded of the sovereignty of God. That if He has a plan and a purpose for each wave that comes to shore how could He forget me?

The waves may not know where God is leading them, but they eventually reach their destination and thus have their purpose. And in the midst of all my struggles and discontentment about now and anxiety about the future I finally felt a peace seeing those waves gently pushing up to shore. God was teaching me then and there that He has MUCH for me. Though I may not know what it looks like I MUST trust Him. And the awe and wonder of His majesty brought me to a place of worship deep within my soul. The God who controls the waves of the ocean is my Father.

-b garrison

View Charleston, SC in a larger map
The top map follows where I drove to Charleston and around the area. The below map is a detailed view of where I kayaked.

View Charleston Kayaking in a larger map



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So, I am writing from Charleston, SC. Yeah...this was complete spontaneity. I have been wanting to come here for a long time and when my initial plans for Fall Break fell through I decided yesterday to throw my kayak on my car, pack some camping supplies and some food and drive on over. It's pretty sweet here. I enjoyed my afternoon around downtown. I just found out the my friend Chris is in town as well (when I previously thought he would be on vacation) so we might hit the town tonight.

This is what it comes down to...there is no plan. And I have actually worked hard to keep it that way. Sometimes you need to just go, and see where the experience leads you. I believe that can be the most exciting and rewarding way to travel at times. Now, I'm prepared for anything, camping, sleeping in the car, I've got food and water, maps if I need them. But the goal for me, in this trip, is to go without an agenda...well, besides enjoying the beauty of this city and its natural environment. Just go and see what happens. Be flexible, be loose.

Tomorrow I am planning on taking the kayak out...not exactly sure where, but at least I know of a general location. The Sullivan Island area, which I've heard is beautiful, will most likely be the destination. I was planning on just kayaking around the Intercoastal in between the islands and mainland around the marshes, but I providentially ran into a lady around the Battery this afternoon who started talking to me.

It turns out that she grew up here but lived for 30 years in Mentone, Alabama, just behind Lookout Mountain. We talked about that for a bit and I came to speak of my kayaking hopes and she told some crucial facts about the tides and the current; certain areas not to go, etc. She said it can become very dangerous if you go in the wrong areas. The Lord was definitely looking out for me! She told me about this area called Shem Creek on the way out to Sullivan's Island. I looked it up and it seems pretty sweet. Apparently there are dolphins are over this area. So it looks like I will kayak some, then maybe hit the beach at Sullivan's and then maybe do some more kayaking. We shall see.

And I just heard from my friend Chris and he wants me to stay at his place tonight so...free lodging! without having to sleep in the car! God is good!

I can explain some more depth to my trip later. But for now, I'm gonna save my computer battery.

So long.
-b garrison