"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." - e. e. cummings


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acsd conference

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I have been in Pennsylvania since Sunday afternoon. I flew into Harrisburg from Flint, MI, by way of Cleveland on a pretty rough flight on a little propeller plane. Our Student Development team is here for the ACSD (Association for Christians in Student Development) conference. We are located at Messiah College just southwest of the capital, Harrisburg on the opposite side of the Susquehannah River. The conference technically started on Monday afternoon so we had Sunday to hang out a bit. I met up with Joel, who got in on Saturday and we went into downtown Harrisburg to check things out there. It is a pretty cool city, not that big, but decent amount of things going on. The walking bridge and river were probably the best attractions.

I've enjoyed my time here in Pennsylvania a little better than Michigan, it's just prettier here right now. The conference has been really enjoyable, challenging, and insightful. It's given me a lot of perspective to be with 600 other Student Affairs professionals from various Christian colleges and there is much for me to think about job-wise when I get back.

But anyways, about the trip...we are just a few days away. And in 24 hours we will be in California. We are flying into LA after midnight and are staying at my friends house in Laguna Hills until Friday morning. Once in LA we will have traveled 3510 miles thus far, and have yet to leave the country. Here is a look at my journey thus far: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108405834630430684838.000488415c2a3d1fc7813&ll=36.809285,-97.382812&spn=18.29193,43.286133&z=5

I am looking forward to being in California soon and meeting up with Scott...I think there I will finally feel the reality of it all sink in. I am feeling a little under the weather so if you think of it pray for me to feel better before all these flights; I have both 6-hour and 14-hour flights coming up soon...and I certainly don't want to be sick in Australia.

-b garrison

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