"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." - e. e. cummings


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the Summer Adventure

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I want to start by saying that my summer this year will not be nearly as epic as last year's trip to Australia, Fiji and New Zealand; however, I will say that it will still be pretty sweet. And I'm really excited about it all.

Tomorrow night I will get a ride down to Atlanta to catch a flight to Seattle, which leaves at 5 AM. I will spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday in Seattle with one of my dad's old roommates and then on Tuesday I am meeting my mom in the airport and we will fly to Beijing, China, nonstop. I am super pumped for this trip because my mom and I are going to visit my sister who I haven't seen in a year and a half. We'll get to see where she's been living and going to school, meet her friends, etc. Simply getting to see her life is so exciting for me.

We're going to spend about a week around her area and then travel to the Guilin and Yangshuo area for a few days and then finish in Beijing where we will visit the Forbidden City and Great Wall. From there my mom will fly back to the States and my sister will go back to her city, while I will go on to Hong Kong for about 12 hours (which should be enough time to explore) and then fly to Seoul for 9 hours (which may be pushing it) and then to LAX. From there I will fly to Chattanooga via Charlotte and get in just before midnight of the same day...crazy how that international dateline thing works. Anyway, the plan is to really explore as much of Hong Kong and Seoul as I can, we shall see how that ends up. In the end it may just be a really bad idea, but I'm going for it. To see more details you can go to my Upcoming Travels page above.

Here's a map:
View Summer 2011 in a larger map

So much has been happening so fast here at Covenant that I haven't really had time to let my trip sink in. I can't believe it's already time for me to go to China...I probably should start packing. Part of the craziness has to do with me preparing to leave Covenant, a place I have been for 6 years, and moving forward with life. It is both sad and exciting. I got a job as a Youth Director at my church in downtown Chattanooga and am really excited about that. The last few weeks have consisted in me ironing out the details before I leave because the day I return I am getting thrown into the madness. I also, just last week, signed a lease on an apartment closer to my church, which was a pretty big deal for me. The place is just a bunch of boxes right now and will be for a while since I'll be gone most of June, but I'm excited for what it will be.

Anyways...this was just a quick update about my summer and what is soon to come. I hope to be posting on this blog frequently as I travel from place to place and I would ask that you would be praying for myself, my mom and my sister as we travel around together. I appreciate your prayers...

Much love.
-b garrison

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