"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." - e. e. cummings


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Merry Christmas...

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A very Merry (belated) Christmas to you all!

I truly hope that each of you were able to see and savor the wonder of the Incarnation this season.

I am currently sitting in the house I grew up in here in Cape Coral, FL. South Florida is such a wonderful place to go to for Christmas vacation...the weather is extraordinary. And we've had some cold days (some 30 degree weather) but overall it has been simply gorgeous over my 9 days here. And I am sad to leave...sad to leave my family once again. And I really don't know when I'll be back or when I'll get to see my parents again. So I'm very thankful for the time I've had down here.

Tomorrow (actually today) morning I'm leaving for Montgomery, AL, for my buddy's wedding, which is on New Years day. I'm pretty pumped for it, and really excited for him.

I will be updating this blog before too long, and there will be another post more in depth about my time here. I've been able to do quite a bit: go kayaking a few times-once getting lost (which is a great story), once with my dad (which was fun) and once at the beach where I witnessed an incredible act of nature (which you'll just have to wait for); also was able to spend some good time with friends who are moving to various places in the country, play a lot of games with the family, replace my broken phone with a new one, play a round of golf, catch up with some old friends from church, celebrate Christmas with my family (even my sister over Skype!).

It really was a good time...it just flew by. So I'll post again to share some good stories from some of those mentioned moments. And hopefully I'll have a video made as well. Plus, there should be a bit about the wedding!

So, again Merry Christmas and if I don't get around to posting in the next couple of days, Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy the festivities of the season and are able to celebrate the coming of our Savior.

Finally, I challenge you to create some legitimate goals and resolutions for the new year. Things that you can actually follow through with and be held accountable to. I always have too many of them and nothing gets accomplished. At this time I find myself with as many as ever...my "New Year's Resolutions" are a combination of little to do's, new habits to form and bigger picture things. I get nowhere with this compilation of ways to better myself.

This New Year's I challenge you to sincerely pray that God would show you one or two things that you need to work on and add to or take away from your life. Pray that He would empower you to push toward that goal in 2011 and that He would give you accountability to help you get there.

That's all for now,

-b garrison

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